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 Roadrunner - The solution to Lagaran

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Roadrunner - The solution to Lagaran Empty
PostSubject: Roadrunner - The solution to Lagaran   Roadrunner - The solution to Lagaran I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 24, 2009 7:22 am

Roadrunner - The solution to Lagaran Roadrunner_supercomputer
Scientists unveiled the world's fastest supercomputer, a $100 million machine that for the first time has performed 1,000 trillion calculations per second in a sustained exercise.
The technology breakthrough was accomplished by engineers from the Los Alamos National Laboratory and the IBM Corp. on a computer to be used primarily on providing quality graphics and high frame-rate in Dalaran City, in the popular computer game World Of Warcraft.

The computer, named Roadrunner, is twice as fast as IBM's Blue Gene system at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, which itself is three times faster than any of the world's other supercomputers, according to IBM.

To put the computer's speed in perspective, if every one of the 6 billion people on earth used a hand-held computer and worked 24 hours a day it would take them 46 years to do what the Roadrunner computer can do in a single day.

The IBM and Los Alamos engineers worked six years on the computer technology.

Some elements of the Roadrunner can be traced back to popular video games, said David Turek, vice president of IBM's supercomputing programs. In some ways, he said, it's 'a very souped-up Sony PlayStation 3.'

'We took the basic chip design (of a PlayStation) and advanced its capability,' said Turek.

But the Roadrunner supercomputer is nothing like a video game.

The interconnecting system occupies 6,000 square feet with 57 miles of fiber optics and weighs 500,000 pounds. Although made from commercial parts, the computer consists of 6,948 dual-core computer chips and 12,960 cell engines, and it has 80 terabytes of memory.

'The computer is a speed demon. It will allow us to solve tremendous problems,' said Thomas D'Agostino, head of the National Nuclear Security Administration and online gamer.

But officials said the computer also could have a wide range of other applications in civilian engineering, nuclear weapon simulation, medicine and science, from developing biofuels and designing more fuel efficient cars to finding drug therapies and providing services to the financial industry.
Roadrunner - The solution to Lagaran 080609-roadrunner-hmed-10a.hmedium
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Join date : 2009-01-24
Age : 41
Location : Oakham, Rutland

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PostSubject: Re: Roadrunner - The solution to Lagaran   Roadrunner - The solution to Lagaran I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 24, 2009 7:49 am

Thats nothing my computer needs one of these to power it:

Roadrunner - The solution to Lagaran 240x320


Last edited by Evenstar on Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:25 am; edited 1 time in total
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Join date : 2009-02-07

Roadrunner - The solution to Lagaran Empty
PostSubject: Re: Roadrunner - The solution to Lagaran   Roadrunner - The solution to Lagaran I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 13, 2009 7:04 pm

Nothing is compared to mine Windows XP mine needs billions of these: (And i always lagg whit it when i enter stormwind im getting DC and can never get in to my player ;/ so now i use my schools mac and i can hafe it to the summer and need to deliver it over summervacation and whn i start again in the school i get the mac back so im happy i have no lagg Very Happy xD
Roadrunner - The solution to Lagaran E70_seule
and billions of these:
Roadrunner - The solution to Lagaran Wave-power
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PostSubject: Re: Roadrunner - The solution to Lagaran   Roadrunner - The solution to Lagaran I_icon_minitime

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