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 Raid Loot -

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Posts : 35
Join date : 2009-01-19
Age : 44
Location : Nottingham UK

Raid Loot - Empty
PostSubject: Raid Loot -   Raid Loot - I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 10, 2009 10:30 am

Loot distribution in guild raids will take the following priority:
  1. Perfect Need - The item is suitable for the character, an upgrade, at their armour specialisation and suitable to the role that they were assigned by the Raid Leader (not necessarily the role that they were performing at the moment the item dropped)
  2. Hybrid Need - A character is equally capable of providing two roles in the raid but the item is suitable for the role that they are not currently filling.
  3. Out-of-Specialisation Need – A character may use the item in their main outfit however it falls below their armour specialisation.
  4. Secondary Outfit Need – A character is not capable of using the item in a raid environment but it may be of use for solo or PVP.
  5. Disenchant Greed - Enchanters are given the item to disenchant and the resultant shard(s) are distributed fairly.
  6. Vendor Greed - In the unlikely event of <none of the above> then the item is given to the highest roll from the whole raid group for vendor sale.
If you want the item and feel that you are eligible then you must say so. The Raid Leader is not psychic. If you are eligible for the item but you do not want it then you may pass and the priority will move to the next eligible person or people.

For example if the leather melee DPS item [Gloves of the Glass Cannon] drops from a boss then rogues (take kitty druids as being rogues) take first priority need rolls (Perfect Need). If the rogues do not need the item then it is passed to the tanking druids because they are equally capable of filling a DPS role as they are a tanking role (Hybrid Need). If no tanking druids need the item then it is offered to the hunters (Out-of-Specialisation Need) because they use the same stats and might therefore use the item in their primary outfit. If no hunters need it then the priority moves to resto druids for kitty-form (Secondary Outfit Need). If no resto druids want the item and an enchanter is available then it will be disenchanted and the shards will be rolled for by anybody either immediately or at the end of the day's raiding (Disenchant Greed). If no enchanters are available then the item may be rolled for by anybody for vendor sale (Vendor Greed).

Weapons may be needed using the following priority:

  1. Perfect Need - The weapon will be the character's primary source of damage, and an upgrade.
  2. Out of Specialisation Need - The weapon will not be the primary source of damage however the stats are correct for the character.
  3. Secondary Outfit Need - A character is not capable of using the item in a raid environment but it may be of use for solo or PVP.
  4. Disenchant/Vendor Greed - See list above.

BOP (Bind-on-Pickup) Recipes may be needed using the following priority:
  1. Perfect Need - The character has the skill to immediately learn the recipe and the crafted item is useful to them personally.
  2. Skilled Need - The character has the skill to immediately learn the recipe but the crafted item is not useful to them personally.
  3. Bank Need - The character has the required profession but does not have the required skill to learn the recipe.

This loot system is designed to be the fairest method without having to run DKP* although there may be times when loot does not meet the criteria for distribution as detailed above. In this situation the Raid Leader will hear all opinions and make a balanced decision in the best interests of the guild. The Raid Leader’s decision is final.

* Short for Dragon Kill Points, DKP is a concept whereby points are awarded to each guild member as they attend a guild raid. The current DKP of each member reflects his or her priority for loot. When a member "wins" an item, they lose a DKP amount that reflects the value of that item.
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