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 Guild Rules

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Posts : 35
Join date : 2009-01-19
Age : 43
Location : Nottingham UK

Guild Rules Empty
PostSubject: Guild Rules   Guild Rules I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 10, 2009 9:23 am

We pride ourselves on fairness and friendliness, so the rules below are set to protect that ethos. Please pay attention to them and the principles that they embody.

1. Use your common sense.
If you think something might annoy or upset someone else, or reduce their enjoyment of either the guild or the game then please don't do it. This especially applies to RACISM, SEXISM or other forms of DISCRIMINATION, which will not be tolerated and will result in the responsible person's immediate removal from the guild.

2. The Guild Bank.
Firstly, the guild bank does NOT lend or give away money. Cash in the bank is for the purchase of new tabs so that we can store and distribute items for members only. Secondly, Donations are gratefully received however whatever is put in the bank becomes the property of the guild, so please don't deposit anything that you're going to miss or want back: someone could remove the item at any time. Thirdly, if you would like an item from the guild bank then simply ask a Guild Admin and consider making a voluntary donation for the next bank tab. Be aware that if you are far too low to reasonably obtain an item for yourself then you will not be given it from the bank (for example a level 25 asking for a 20-slot bag or a level 40 asking for Frostweave).

3. Never ever beg or borrow.
We all know how annoying it is when we get asked for money in towns and cities. If the person begging has '<Flintlocke>' over their head then it will destroy our guild reputation and really piss everyone off. If you are seen begging then you WILL be kicked, no questions asked. I know this is harsh, but it's something that all the officers feel very strongly about, and we refuse to let the guild reputation suffer. Borrowing is equally as volatile when it goes wrong, and if it becomes a problem to the guild then we will remove the member(s) involved. Lending and borrowing will not be conducted in guild chat.

4. Never ever ninja-loot.
If you 'need' an item which you don't need, cheat a roll using a macro or obtain a world-loot which someone else cleared (waiting for someone to pull the mobs around a resource and then jumping in to get the reward before them) then you are STEALING. Whether in a guild group or not, the penalties will be severe. We don't want to be known as a ninja guild!

5. Asking for help.
We're a helpful guild, but remember that we all have our own game to play as well. Everyone needs help from time to time and don't be afraid to ask for it, but try to help yourself first. You will be a better player as a result.

6. Raiding.
When we organise raids we rely on your attendence. Although running raids with non-guild groups is sometimes necessary due to player unavailability please make sure you check the calendar in-game first. Becoming externally saved to raids that the guild is running the same week jeopardises our organised events and this is not acceptable. If in doubt then ask first.

7. Selling items.
Remember that guild chat is not the trade channel. We don't make a profit from guildies, instead asking for the mats or the cost price of mats needed to make items for each other. If a recipe requires the tradesman's own items or the recipe was expensive to get then nobody should be offended if a small contribution is requested.

8. Leaving the guild.
Every guild has recruitment and losses. Although we try to facilitate an environment where people will stay it is inevitable that some members choose not to. If a member chooses to leave or is kicked, and then asks to return it is the officers' choice whether they will be allowed. We will not re-invite members that repeatedly leave because we'd rather have a few loyal members than a thousand time-wasters.

Thanks for reading and enjoy your game.

Tim (Tinar / Trixxus / Tirii / Tilan)
Proud guild leader of <Flintlocke>

Last edited by Tinar on Wed Mar 11, 2009 6:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
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