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 Guild Meeting 23 Jan 09 Notes

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PostSubject: Guild Meeting 23 Jan 09 Notes   Guild Meeting 23 Jan 09 Notes I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 24, 2009 6:58 am

Hi all.

Thanks to all that turned up yesterday for the meeting. I thought it was very constructive and shows a promising future for the guild. For those that couldn't be there and as a refresher for those that were, here were the main topics discussed and the conclusions that have been drawn by consensus so far.

Flintlocke is an all levels guild based on strength of community from the personality and friendship (whether it is real-life or in-game) of its members. Everybody was positive that this should continue and that raiding at level 80 should be achieved within the guild and not fragmented into a separate component. This will require a careful balance to ensure that the priority for events and support does not always lie with the raiders, making certain that time and resources are also given to those levelling and getting prepared for endgame.

In order to achieve the balance where everybody in the guild gets a chance to progress their personal aims, we discussed a timetable. The timetable would NOT determine what people MUST do, but would instead indicate the priority event for that day. For example, on a Heroic Day the heroic instances will run ahead of any raiding or farming that others may want to achieve. Once the heroic group(s) are running then there would be nothing preventing any surplus members from organising their own event.

We discussed that a rotation of events that is 'out of sync' with the week would ensure that even those members that can only play on specific days will still get a chance to participate in all events, whereas if, for example, raiding only even happened on a Thursday Friday then those that can only play at weekends would miss out every time.

Much of the way the timetable works will have to be refined over time, but as a trial we agreed to try a five-day rotation as follows:

Day 1 Monday RAID
Day 2 Tuesday RAID
Day 3 Wednesday HEROIC
Day 4 Thursday NORMAL
Day 5 Friday OTHER
Day 1 Saturday RAID
Day 2 Sunday RAID
Day 3 Monday HEROIC
Day 4 Tuesday NORMAL
Day 5 Wednesday OTHER
etc etc etc

Previously the guild officers have been chosen based on an informal system based on activity, helpfulness and (if I'm being totally honest) how well the person is liked by the existing officers. This has meant that we have had loads of officers but many of them have had nothing to do for the guild, and the responsibility for running the guild has fallen to a small number of people doing everything. The disadvantages of this method are that when those key players are unavailable the guild struggles to function, and when those players are available they have to work inordinately hard to keep ahead of their responsibilities.

We decided to delegate and rationalise the responsibilities that need an officer in charge. We also discussed those members that can perform those roles. This is what we decided:

Job Person Responsibility
Guild Leader Tinar
Oversight of all guild functions and ensuring that the guild ethos is maintained.
Raid Organiser Undomiel
Planning raid activities and participants, prioritising players when necessary and keeping the allocation of places fair.
Recruiter Alorias
Oversight of level and class requirements and associated recruitment to keep the guild balanced.
Treasurer Mandalorean
Maintenance of the guild bank including tidyness, funds and distribution of items.
Mentor Estora
Knowledge base. Ensuring that the needs of members of all levels and classes are met to the best abilities of the guild. Validation of initiate to full members.

We discussed the current guild ranks and decided that the structure is good but that the ranks will be renamed for clarity.

Lord Leader Full guild rights. Can change rank structure.
Duke Deputy Leader Full guild rights. Can not change rank structure.
Baron Administrator Promote, demote, invite, kick, player notes, officer chat, full bank rights.
Squire(2) Admin's Alt Same as Administrator but for alt characters.
Squire Full Member Invite, player notes, view bank, guild chat.
Peasant New or Inactive View bank, guild chat.

If you have anything to add then please do so. These are early days and nothing is set in stone.


Tim (Tinar, Trixxus, Tirii, Tilan)
Proud guild leader of <Flintlocke>
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Join date : 2009-01-15

Guild Meeting 23 Jan 09 Notes Empty
PostSubject: Re: Guild Meeting 23 Jan 09 Notes   Guild Meeting 23 Jan 09 Notes I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 25, 2009 11:13 am

Great, you have made me into an accountant!!!!

All because i won the lottery Razz
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Guild Meeting 23 Jan 09 Notes Empty
PostSubject: Re: Guild Meeting 23 Jan 09 Notes   Guild Meeting 23 Jan 09 Notes I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 25, 2009 1:50 pm

Least I know who to bribe now eh Chris? Wink

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Join date : 2009-02-18

Guild Meeting 23 Jan 09 Notes Empty
PostSubject: Nice touch   Guild Meeting 23 Jan 09 Notes I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 18, 2009 1:54 am

A rotational events timetable so so simple its genius and pretty fair across the board a wonderful little touch that can only enhance flintlocke as a guild of renowen
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PostSubject: Re: Guild Meeting 23 Jan 09 Notes   Guild Meeting 23 Jan 09 Notes I_icon_minitime

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